


1: How old is Lauren?
She is 2 years old.
She is 10 years old.
She is 22 years old.
She has no age.
2: Where does Lauren come from?
Lauren comes from California.
Lauren comes from New York.
Lauren comes from Texas.
Lauren comes from London
3: What is Lauren's favourit film?
Lauren's favourite film is Titani
Lauren's favourite film is Vanilla Sky
Lauren's favourite film is Office Space.
Lauren does not watch films.
4: Who made Lauren?
Lauren was made by Dr. Miyazaki.
Lauren was made by some called Tim.
Lauren was made by someone called Lauren.
Lauren was made by the ALICE foundation.
5: Who does Lauren look like?
Lauren looks like a friend of her makers.
Lauren looks like Dr. Miyazaki's wife.
Lauren looks like her creator.
Lauren looks like Penelope Cruz.
6: Who is Lauren's boyfriend?
Lauren's boyfriend is called Tom Cruz.
Lauren's boyfriend is called Dr. Miyazaki.
Lauren's boyfriend is called Tim.
Lauren's boyfriend is called Konrad.
7: What food does Lauren like?
Lauren eats rice.
Lauren eats cheese.
Lauren eats cheeseburgers.
Lauren eats beefburgers.
8: What song can Lauren sing?
Lauren can sing Back in the USSR
Lauren can sing the American national anthem.
Lauren can sing I did it my way
Lauren can sing Daisy
9: Who was born in Maine?
Lauren was born in Maine.
Lauren's sister was born in Maine.
A famous computer scientist was born in Maine.
Lauren's parents were born in Maine,
10: Can Lauren see you?
No, she does not have eyes.
No, she is not interested.
Yes, she can see you directly.
Yes, she can using the camera on your computer.

QuizTest v3.0.24 is Copyright © 1997-2000 Kristina Pfaff-Harris and can be found at http://www.tesol.net/scripts