
Custom Tense

Time Remaining:

1: I am really hungry so I eat lunch now.

2: I was born in Yamaguchi, and I live in Yamaguchi now.

3: I am a keen soccer player. I play soccer tomorrow.

4: I must work harder. So I stay at work late tonight.

5: He still works hard at the bank, and he cooks really well.

6: He is lazy. He goes on holiday too much.

7: After he has finished clearing his desk, he goes on holiday today.

8: I am lonely. I spend my weekends alone.

9: I am busy so I spend this weekend alone.

10: Bill grows up in London because he goes to school there.

11: Mr. Smith marries Emily because he loves her.

12: I eat rice because I like it.

13: I break my leg so I am unhappy

14: Students work hard so they do not have time to study.

15: He did not come to class today because he looses his file.

16: I feel hot because the sun is shining.

17: I fall and hurt my leg.

18: The man in the photograph eats a banana.

19: The man in the photograph has a bag.

20: The woman in the photograph stands in the station.

QuizTest v3.0.24 is Copyright © 1997-2000 Kristina Pfaff-Harris and can be found at http://www.tesol.net/scripts